Contribution: connection addon Version: 1.0 Designed for: Zen Cart Created by: Support: ======================================================== WHAT DOES THIS MODULE DO? This module connects your store to Statiny bot to receive instant notifications about new orders, sales statistics directly into your mobile phone in Telegram or Facebook Messenger application. ======================================================== INSTALLATION Step 1. Extract zip archive into your local computer. Step 2. Rename the “admin” folder of the addon to the administrator folder name of your Zen Cart. For example, if your admin folder of Zen Cart names “Ednf1dkn5x”, rename the “admin” folder name of the unpacked addon to the “Ednf1dkn5x” name. Upload all the files and folders to your root Zen Cart via any FPT client. Now the folders structure of the addon has the same folders as your Zen Cart, so all the files should move in the correct places after uploading. If you have multi-language Zen Cart store, you should copy the content of the “/includes/languages/english” folder of the addon to all your languages folders. For example, if you have Italian language installed on your Zen Cart, you should copy the files and folders of “/includes/languages/english” folder of the addon to “YOUR_ZEN_CART/includes/languages/italian” folder of your Zen Cart. Step 3. Enter api key you received from Statiny bot in chat into your Zen Cart store. To do it you should: a) Find the “STATINY_API_KEY” phrase of the following query code and replace it with the api key you received from Statiny bot chat: INSERT INTO `configuration` (`configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `last_modified`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES ('Api key from Statiny bot', 'STATINY_API_KEY', '', 'Api key, which you received from Statiny bot chat’, 1, NULL, '2016-11-07 20:26:33', '0001-01-01 00:00:00', NULL, NULL); b) Copy the result code above and place it to the “Admin > Tools > Install SQL Patches” section to the query field. c) Click the “Send” button to run the query. You will now find new setting at the “Admin > Configuration > My Store” section. If you do not have api key yet, please start chat with Statiny bot and he will provide you with it. To start chat just click to the “Add bot” button on website. If all is set up correctly, you will receive a successful connection notification in Statiny bot chat in a few seconds on your mobile phone. That's it - you're done. ======================================================== To Remove/Undo the modification: Step 1. Run the following query from Admin > Tools > Install SQL Patches to remove the configuration keys from the database: DELETE FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_key` = 'STATINY_API_KEY'; Step 3. Remove the following files from your server: /includes/languages/YOUR_LANGUAGE_FOLDERS/extra_definitions/statiny.php /admin/includes/languages/YOUR_LANGUAGE_FOLDERS/extra_definitions/statiny.php =========================================================